
Showing posts from 2019
Will Israel Be Accepting of All? Israel, like other countries in the world, is very diverse with people coming from all parts of the world and they bring their own language, culture and customs. Jews have immigrated from Russia, Poland, Germany, Spain, Italy, North Africa and so on. Israel just like anywhere else, with such diversity struggles accepting certain groups of people. In this case those people which are not the only one who experience this treatment but are the topic of choice are the Ethiopian Jews who derive from the North African region. The reason for this treatment is because the Ethiopian Jew is believed to be the last group of Jews from what we would consider the old world. This means they practice the ancient rituals of Moses and the five books of the Torah. Jews left the land and went Ethiopia in the 12 th century and returned to Israel in the 20 th century. In 1973 the Sephardic Chief Rabbi ruled that Ethiopian Jews were considered as real Jews and urged fo
Donna Rosenthal   Arabs & Jews Love, Hate Relationship People all around the world get the notion that Jews and Arabs in Israel hate each other and will act upon one another violently, however, this is not the case. The fact is that they don’t all despise each other and most Jews and Arabs have learned to live together peacefully. Donna Rosenthal in her book The Israelis , states in a quote “In Haifa, more than almost anywhere else in Israel, Jews and Arabs have a long history of mutual give and take”(Rosenthal, 252). Rosenthal’s book contains several stories from citizens’ first hand experiences in Israel. It can be observed that the minority understand, respect, and appreciate Jewish culture and customs.   Other cultures are known to assimilate into Jewish practices to a certain extent in order to achieve a peaceful living amongst each other. “dress no differently from their secular Jewish friends. In fact, they know more about the Jewish religion and customs than some
Can the Ceasefire Happen? Only Time Will Tell Hamas Leader, Ismail Haniyah On April 2 nd 2019 the The Jerusalem Post put out an article  written by KHALED ABU TOAMEH,  TOVAH LAZAROFF,  YVETTE J. DEANE . The article explains the potential ceasefire on the Gaza strip between  Hamas  and Israel. Discussions are underway of a timeline for an attempt on a ceasefire. With Egypt being one of the three parties involved in these negotiations serving as the mediator relaying to Israel the list of demands from Hamas. Ismael Haniyeh is the head of  Hamas , which is the current government in charge of the Gaza Strip and has been since 2007. Haniyeh speaks to reporters in Gaza City has made  Hamas  demands public concerning Palestinian prisoners in Israeli prisons. The demands, he said, include prisoner exchange, removing signal-jamming devices installed by the Israel Prison Service to stop inmates from using smuggled cellular phones.  Hamas  is also demanding that the Israel Prison Service c
Blog #2 Trump Receives Backlash After Tweet Chief Palestinian Negotiator Sae Erekat ·                  On March 22, 2019 the Haaretz released an article titled, “ Trump's Golan Recognition Will Cause Bloodshed, Top Palestinian Negotiator Warns  , ” written by Jack Khoury . The article discussed the backlash President Trump received from Middle Eastern leaders in regards to a tweet he posted last Thursday recognizing Israel’s sovereignty over Golan Heights. Golan Heights currently occupied Israeli territory and has occupied the area since the victorious war of 1967 against Syria . Following the annex of Golan heights the United Nations came up with the UN resolution 497, which was adopted in 1981 by the Security Council to resolve the issue but Israel never complied.              Saeb Erekat , chief chairmen of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) suggested that this statement could lead to destabilization and bloodshed in the   Middle East . The Egyptian foreign